Tailored group training

Develop your strengths as a Works Council team

Do you want to discover and harness your team’s talents so you are more effective as a Works Council? Do you want to (continue to) develop your strengths as a Works Council team? Or is there something else you would like help with so you can make faster progress? Atim’s tailored training will guide your Works Council in the right direction.

Training Works Council
We discuss your learning goals during our intake process and tailor the content of the training accordingly. If, for example, you are a newly elected team, it is important to spend some time get to grips with the Dutch Works Councils Act. The sooner you understand, and can apply, the rules of the consultation process, the more you can achieve in your consultation with the management.

We believe it’s important to develop a workable group process that allows the Works Council to evolve. We will lead you through clear steps that take your Works Council team to the top.

Advice and expertise
The management may have surprised you with a complex request for advice. A consultation process may have reached a deadlock. Or you may be urgently in need of advice on the best way to approach your tasks as a Works Council. If so, please don’t hesitate to call us. Our expert consultants can assist you with all aspects of Works Council activity. We will present you with a specific proposal that meets your needs. And we understand that you want fast service. That’s how we work.

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Adviesbureau Atim

[email protected]

030 - 233 45 22

Deelnemers aan goed overleg (her)kennen elkaars competenties. Ze maken heldere afspraken en checken geregeld of ze elkaar nog steeds begrijpen. Elke speler kan zich uitspreken over belangen en emoties die spelen. Dankzij dit onderlinge vertrouwen kunnen de deelnemers zich concentreren op de inhoud van het overleg. Ze werken aan faire uitkomsten voor alle betrokkenen.