Experiences of participants

After our training sessions, each participant, including those in customized training programs, receives an evaluation form. In this form, we ask participants to share their experiences with us. With the permission of the submitter, we are happy to share the gained experiences.

The specific question we pose to our participants in the evaluation form is:
Would you recommend us to another works council (OR)? If so, please write down the reasons below.
For your information: We publish recommendations with mention of your organization on our website under the respective training program. If you do not wish for this, please indicate it.

Stichting IDH
16 en 17 april 2024
Tweedaagse training

  • I would recommend, but would suggest Atim review more carefully the materials it shared. Some had grammar, language mistakes that gave the apparence of lack of professionalism.
  • I would recommend ATIM to another group for the professionalism and human side.
Deelnemers aan goed overleg (her)kennen elkaars competenties. Ze maken heldere afspraken en checken geregeld of ze elkaar nog steeds begrijpen. Elke speler kan zich uitspreken over belangen en emoties die spelen. Dankzij dit onderlinge vertrouwen kunnen de deelnemers zich concentreren op de inhoud van het overleg. Ze werken aan faire uitkomsten voor alle betrokkenen.