Works Councils in a nutshell

Helping companies make better decisions

Works Councils make for wiser management. A Works Council assesses the mood on the shop floor and discusses the needs and concerns of the company’s employees. Effective exchange of information during consultations with the management leads to better decisions for the company as a whole. The management retains ultimate responsibility for the final decision.

The Dutch Works Councils Act
The Works Council and the management both have rights and obligations in their joint consultations. These are defined in the Dutch Works Councils Act. The Works Council officially influences the decision-making within the organisation by exercising its right to advise, endorse and submit proposals. The Works Council and the management can also implement mutually agreed procedures to support the consultation process.

In the Netherlands, any organisation that employs 50 or more people is legally obliged to install a Works Council. Once every three years the employees can elect colleagues to represent them on the Works Council. Any of the company's permanent workforce can stand for election. Members of the management are not allowed to take part in Works Council elections.

Deelnemers aan goed overleg (her)kennen elkaars competenties. Ze maken heldere afspraken en checken geregeld of ze elkaar nog steeds begrijpen. Elke speler kan zich uitspreken over belangen en emoties die spelen. Dankzij dit onderlinge vertrouwen kunnen de deelnemers zich concentreren op de inhoud van het overleg. Ze werken aan faire uitkomsten voor alle betrokkenen.